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A Framework for Recovery will help you identify common obstacles that stand in the way of your future vision and give you skills to overcome them. The course begins with an honest look at your current reality and the life you want to live once your problem is behind you. Next you will discover the barriers blocking your progress and how to break them. Finally, you will build your new action plan through techniques for successful goal setting and motivational tools.
Session 1: The Rut of Addiction
An overview of the concepts presented in A Framework for Recovery: a) the importance of empathy in communicating with others, b) understanding why change can be difficult and c) recognizing the “downward thinking spiral.”
Session 2: Vision and Current Reality
It is important to look beyond denial and be honest about your current reality; equally as important is clearly defining a vision of your life without the problem. This session teaches you to use your creative skills to identify what is truly of value in your life and what you stand to lose if nothing changes, then to use these same skills to summon the drive and energy to achieve positive results.
Session 3: Understanding Types of Change
We discuss the four types of change (incremental, pendulum, exception and paradigm) as well as the halfstep decision-making process, how it is related to substance abuse, and why this seven-step process is such a powerful tool for recovery.
Session 4: Controlling the Decision-Making Process
This session introduces the idea of control, including the role the conscious mind and subconscious mind play in your decision-making process. Tools for success include using self-talk to affect your decision making process, the concept of “garbage in/garbage out;” and remembering that the spirit behind the word is more important than the word itself.
Session 5: Preconditioned Beliefs and Habits
There are two crucial barriers that can stand in the way of your recovery: preconditioned cultural beliefs and habits. The culture you live in dictates your behavior and old habits can inhibit your desire to change, so you must understand how these affect your life.
Session 6: Attitudes and Personal Empowerment
The final barriers to change are attitudes and lack of personal empowerment. These must be recognized, and then enlisted to move from your current reality to your future vision. We help you identify areas to improve and become empowered in your recovery.
Session 7: Self-Image and Comfort Zones
When you leave your comfort zone, you often experience a lack of personal power or control, which causes resistance to change. In this session we discuss a proactive approach to adjusting your comfort zones.
Session 8: Self-Talk and Mental Traps
We behave and act in accordance with our picture of who we are: our self-image. The constant conversation you carry on with yourself – your self-talk – modifies or reinforces that self-image which ultimately controls your performance. You will become aware of the tremendous power you have over your life by controlling your self-talk with these cognitive tools.
Session 9: Breaking the Barriers to Change
This session is a culmination of the previous sessions and covers bringing about behavioral change by adjusting your auto pilot (self-image) by first changing your self-talk.
Session 10: Skills for Successful Goal Setting
In order to reach your goals you must have a clear picture of your reality as it is now, as well as your vision for the future. In this session, we discuss the eight guidelines of goal setting, based on what you want in life and the resources you need to reach a pay value.
Session 11: Constructive Motivational Tools
This session identifies the difference between constructive and restrictive motivation. You may be in the habit of restrictively motivating yourself without even being aware of it. This causes subconscious “push back” against the changes necessary to make your life work in a positive way.
Session 12: Creating an Action Plan
In this final session you complete an action plan to bring your desired changes into reality. You will learn the importance of each of the three steps to change (awareness that change is necessary, attitudinal shift and application of new tools) as well as how to identify and eliminate the escape routes that stand between current reality and your vision. You will discuss action statements – or affirmations – and practice writing and using these very important tools.
Facilitator Certification Training for A Framework for Recovery is required. Learn more about Facilitator Certification.